Herbal City

Your Best Online Herbal Store! www.joney08.tk
Welcome to Herbal City! Here we offer only the best and effective alternative medicines. All are 100% natural and approved by Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD).


We’ve always use the juice extracts of steamed Oregano leaves whenever Nico has cough. But since our home is undergoing renovation right now, the Oregano plants which used to be so abundant, withered one by one, as our backyard served as the tambakan of construction slabs and scraps and what-have-yous of those construction activities. It’s saddening really, but I promised myself that once the renovation is finished, I’ll really make a good clean up of our backyard and start re-planting herbs and veggies again.

Late last month, Nico had one of those bouts of nasty coughs again. Itchy, dry and sticky with all the phlegm trapped in his respiratory system, I rushed to call the pedia for a medicine recommendation. There’s Ambrolex and Solmux, both mucolytics and Ascof Lagundi, a herbal cough remedy, that the doctor recommended. Even before we introduced Oregano, Nico had tried Ambrolex and Solmux. These meds helped but am not too happy with the progress. So for this recent cough attack, I decided to buy the last one–Ascof Lagundi. And I’m glad I’ve made the right decision.


$ 10.00

Php. 300.00

The effect of this herbal cough syrup is much like that of Oregano’s. It didn’t take long and minutes after drinking the first tablespoons full of the green-colored bitter-tasting herbal syrup, the next thing I knew, Nico was gagging the sink, expelling those nasty sticky phlegm. And what’s good about Ascof is that it’s definitely very cheap. For only P85 and my kid’s coughing went away after three days.

This amazing herbal medicine is manufactured by Pascual Laboratories. Its main ingredient is Lagundi.